Awareness and prevention
Maison Alice-Desmarais offers awareness and prevention activities to the general population, school, community and professional circles.
“I love you, but not at all costs”
Under the slogan “I love you, but not at all costs” the purpose of the House is to reach out to young people, adults and immigrants in schools to steer them to recognize the control cycle and to consider the attitudes they need to move forward in order to live a healthy and egalitarian relationship.
Animations in domestic violence adapted to the people environment:
Depending on the field of study or the workplace of the audience (health, hairdressing, etc.), scenarios can be used to identify the concrete attitudes and methods that can be used by the people we meet to help their clients especially when their profession is conducive to confidences.
In addition, depending on the milieu encountered, the concept of mixed animation is a privileged way of ensuring a positive receptivity of the masculine audience.
Simply call 450 378-9297 and explain your situation. The worker will question you in order to understand your reality with the purpose of giving you the best possible support.